Gaza’s Eyes

While the world has been watching Gaza, Gaza has been watching the world. After Gaza was attacked and nearly leveled, we wanted to respond and act with and on behalf of friends and ConnectHER family in Gaza. Our ConnectHER team has been texting and supporting people in Gaza since the attacks began.
We wake up with them every morning and go to bed with them every night. We get texts and videos of gratitude and despair. Some texts and messages have been absolutely gutting. When people don’t have enough to eat, when people lose family members, it’s hard to know how to help from so far away. Many of the texts point to the reality that many young people want to be engaged in creating their own future and writing their own stories:
I am a computer engineer. I have not graduated yet because of the war, but I have many courses, and I have worked hard throughout my life. I have important ideas and experience in marketing, and I am doing my best in order for you to have an important name here in Gaza, especially because you did not abandon us in the most difficult times. Circumstances!
- ConnectHER Filmmaker

It’s been hard to know how to respond at times, but we want to share with you how we have been working behind the scenes:
- We started a GoFundMe, which raised $61,500 USD, which we sent directly to filmmakers that was used for food, building supplies and electricity.
- We are continuing programming - ConnectHER filmmakers are holding Fellowships (Filmmaking 101 Training) in two separate cohorts in Gaza and one in Egypt.
- We connected some filmmakers to UNFPA to help fund films about what’s happening on the ground in Gaza.
- We are starting a contract with CARE for our filmmakers to capture stories and documentation of their programs.
Our Gazan filmmakers still want to live and create, and we will continue to share their stories of hope and resilience in the midst of destruction. As we do with all the young people we work with, we want to be a platform for their dreams, and we thank you all for your support and for following @gazas_eyes.
We want to be as transparent and clear as possible to allow for all to participate. If you’d like to directly support filmmakers, please go to this page.